Shift Swapping - User and Administration Follow
This document reviews the following steps for:
- Enabling the shift takeover feature as an Admin within the console
- How to take a shift within the mobile app
Enabling Shift Takeover:
- Log in to the web console as an administrator
- Click More and then Paging Groups.
- Click the desired schedule name, then click the Settings tab
- Select the Allow Shift Takeover Drop Down Menu and select the option:
- Disabled: No user can take a shift from another user
- Members Only: Only members of this group can take a shift from another user
- Unrestricted: All users in the account can take a shift from another user
5. Click
For Mobile Users:
- In the mobile app, tap Directory at the bottom. Locate and tap the name of the schedule you want to take a shift from:
2. In the schedule details screen, tap View Schedule:
3. Tap the info button to the far right of the name of the user you want to swap shifts with, then tap Take Shift:
- The takeover user's name will then appear in place of the original user, indicating the swap is complete.
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